
Here you’ll find answers to some common questions that HR receives:

工资发放所有W-2表格. You may reach them at (603) 862-1400.  的y are also available and accessible in electronic form by logging into your 明智的 账户.

You only need to submit a W-4 when you have a change in marital status or the number of exemptions, or if you want additional money taken out. If you are non-status, you can use a W-4 to change your home mailing address. 如果你在你的W-4上申请免税, you need to submit a new W-4 each year by February 15 to continue claiming EXEMPT. Changes to your W-4 can be electronically by logging into your 明智的 账户, or you can submit the form to HR Services, 2 Leavitt Lane.

At the University of New Hampshire, we employ youths between the ages of 14 and 17. Youths between the ages of 14 and 15 are required to have working papers that have been signed by the parent or legal guardian. 的y get these working papers from their school system. Youths between the ages of 16 and 17 are required to have a State of New Hampshire Proof of Permission for the Employment of a Youth age 16 or 17 Form signed by the youth's parent or legal guardian permitting the employment on file with 人力资源. This written document is required even if the 17 year old youth has graduated from high school. 添加itional information is available 在这里.

For Faculty and Staff regular pay continues as long as the employee submits a check to the University for the amount of their 陪审员的义务 earnings (not including reimbursement for travel and meals). For more information view the USNH Leave policy regarding 陪审员的义务 及见证假.

员工援助计划 (EAP) is a prepaid benefit by the University System of New Hampshire (USNH). 它提供了一个高度专业化, confidential counseling and referral service to employees and your families (spouse and dependents) to provide assistance with a variety of issues that may interfere with your work or personal life. Local counselors are available off-campus (在美国的任何地方.S.)和你的家乡社区. 了解更多信息 浏览EAP网页

Both vendor representatives (TIAA and Fidelity Investments) are on the Durham campus several times each month.  Representative’s are available to meet with you in person or over the phone. To view campus visit dates and to schedule an appointment see 退休资讯会.

You may proceed with your issue by contacting your 人力资源合作伙伴 寻求帮助. 的 Fast and Impartial Resolution (FAIR) complaint and grievance process provides for the fair and equitable resolution of complaints, 误解, and grievances for University benefits-eligible employees who are not in the initial introductory period.

If you are looking to post a non-USNH vacancy, please contact our UNH Career Center at 603-862-2064. You can also visit their website at: www.主要研究.edu/uacc

登录您的明智的帐户  http://wise.bradyallen.net/ - then select Personal Information tab, then Update 添加ress(es) and Phone(s).  This will also update your home address for all of your core USNH benefits (medical, 牙科, 人寿保险), including the 退休 vendors - TIAA and/or Fidelity.