Benefits FAQ's

地址更改是在 WISE. 登录到您的帐户后,选择“更新地址”.” This change will be sent to all core benefit vendors with the exception of any Flexible Spending Accounts (Wageworks) and any voluntary benefits. These vendors will need to be contacted directly to ensure your address is updated.  你可以在网上找到澳门葡京网赌游戏 HR benefits page.

费率信息可以在USNH HR网站上找到-审查 USNH Benefits 本年度.

祝贺新生儿的到来!  To change your benefits, please follow the instructions found on the UNH Benefits Change in Status page.

ID Cards must be requested or accessed directly from the vendor. For Cigna insurance cards, log into your account and print temporary ID cards as needed.

Medical: Cigna 800-244-6224

Dental: 东北三角洲牙科 800-832-5700

Prescription: OptumRx  866-633-5874

If your coverage is effective however you have not received your ID card yet, your options are: 

  • If your enrollment information has been received by the insurance company, 你可以打电话给供应商索要你的身份证号码, then you can print a temporary ID card from the vendor’s website.  
  • 如果你不能打印身份证, 您可以在服务时支付参观费用, 然后提交给保险公司报销(提交索赔). 索赔表格可以在供应商网站上找到.
  • It may be necessary to reschedule the appointment for a later date.  

Vendor websites:

For Medical: Cigna -  800-244-6224

For Dental: 〇东北三角洲牙科  800-832-5700

处方: OptumRx -  866-633-5874

Open Enrollment is a window of time once a year when employees can make changes to their benefits without the need for a qualifying reason. It is always best to review your benefits during open enrollment even if you are not making changes. There are some benefits which require renewal every year during open enrollment such as flexible spending accounts. Other benefits require approval to continue with election for the next plan year.

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) must be elected every open enrollment if you wish to continue the benefit into the next enrollment year. 

Each year, Open Enrollment dates are announced via email,  campus mail and postal to home addresses on file. Open Enrollment is usually at the end of October and lasts for 2 weeks. Any changes made during the Open Enrollment period take effect January 1st of the following new year. 

Changes can be made during the annual Open Enrollment period for an effective date of the first of the following year. There are certain reasons that allow you to make changes outside of Open Enrollment, 这些被称为“合格的身份变更’ events.

人寿保险的更新和变更是在网上完成的 Retirement and voluntary life insurance updates are made directly with the vendors.


It’s important to be aware of deadlines for both the Health Care Flexible Spending Account and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account. 请按此 link 回顾最后期限.

Adjunct employees do have a variety of benefits offered to them.  你可以找到详细的信息 here.

A benefit is considered voluntary when USNH does not contribute to the premiums of the plan, however  USNH will provide the opportunity to purchase the benefit via convenient payroll deductions. 这些福利是按集体费率提供的, and these benefits may be able to continue even when employment has ended.  

它降低了你的应税收入, therefore, 你将支付更少的所得税,这可能会增加你的净收入. 

The EAP 为员工提供许多免费或打折的资源, 你的家属和任何住在你家里的人. Some of the benefits include, counseling, service referrals, research and classes. 了解EAP 这些都是你可以得到的!

Requests for leave of absences should be made 30 days in advance of the leave date whenever possible. 更多澳门葡京网赌游戏休假的信息 here.

请求的第一步 leave of absence 它需要填写一份请假申请表. This should be done at least 30 days in advance of your leave date if possible. You will then be provided with information as to the benefits available to you. 表格可以找到 here.

注册退休帐户是在网上完成的.  Detailed enrollment instructions can be found on the HR website at:

The 403(b) plan provides the opportunity to save for retirement on a tax-advantaged basis. Eligible employees participating in the retirement plan receive an employer contribution match which can help employees meet their retirement savings goals.

Individuals may use the USNH 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Plan to make additional contribution above the 6% level, 不超过国税局的限额. 单击此链接以获取有关的详细信息 补充退休帐户.

The 457(b)递延补偿计划 allows individuals to set aside a portion of their salary on a tax-advantaged basis.  To be able to contribute to this plan, employees must be an active participant in the 403(b)退休计划. 供款受计划限额限制.  

This will depend on the type of leave you are requesting, as well as the benefits you’re entitled to.
欲知详情,请浏览 Leave of Absence 或致电人力资源福利862-0504.

The hardship and loan provisions are only available through the 补充退休帐户, 适用某些标准. 更多澳门葡京网赌游戏 Retirement.

你可以随时更改你的延期, however all changes are effective on the first of the month following the date the change was received.

Contributions to a ROTH retirement account are made after taxes have been calculated on your earnings.  Contributions made to a pre-tax retirement account are contributions that are made before taxes are calculated on your earnings.  


USNH为退休计划人员提供免费咨询. 你可以安排一个小时, onsite appointment with a representative from TIAA and/or Fidelity free of charge. Click this link 有关安排预约的更多信息.