
英超, 校园, 核心膳食计划有效期至购买学期的最后一天. Swipe meal plans are valid for the entire academic year, 从第一学期到第二学期,有效期到购买该计划的学年5月用餐服务的最后一天. Unused meals are not refundable.

The last day for cancellations, 变化, 退款是在本学期购买膳食计划的第二个星期五. Meal plans are not transferable. Guests may use the dining hall with a guest pass from your meal plan, an additional swipe of your ID card using your swipe meal plan, 餐厅美元, 或者猫的藏身处. Card owner must be present. 购买用餐计划时附带的客人通行证和外卖通行证(如果适用)每学期仅有效. 额外购买的客人和外卖通行证如果未使用,可以结转到第二学期, and expire on the last day of meal service in May. Purchased passes are nonrefundable. Meals cannot be exchanged for 餐厅美元.


If you are not feeling well enough to visit a dining hall, please authorize another student to use your ID to pick up a meal for you. 被授权取餐的学生必须随身携带生病学生的身份证 以及他们自己的 for safety verification.

To view menus, please visit:


问题? Please contact us at the numbers below: 

  • Philbrook Hall (603) 862-9331
  • Holloway Commons (603) 862-0710

教师和员工的膳食计划可以使用工资扣除或支票购买. 这些计划的伙食从一个学期到另一个学期,每年都有变化. Unused meals are fully refundable. 在与大学分离的情况下,UNH可以扣留尚未支付的餐费退款. Meal plans are not transferable. Guests may use the dining hall by using an additional swipe of your ID card, 餐厅美元, 或者猫的藏身处. The card owner must be present.

Anyone can purchase 餐厅美元. 餐厅美元 can be used at most UNH 餐厅 establishments, including the 联邦法院, Wildcatessen, Philbrook咖啡馆, 阿尔贝二世亲王的, 齐克的咖啡馆, UNH牛奶吧, 1926年基石 and all dining halls. 餐厅美元 can also be used at Dunkin Donuts, most on-campus vending machines, online and mobile orders. 餐厅美元 are valid during the academic year of purchase only. 余额将从秋季学期持续到春季学期,有效期至5月份用餐服务结束. Any remaining balance expires and is nonrefundable. 餐厅美元 are encoded on your UNH photo ID card.

餐饮服务: 食堂餐饮服务从正式开学日开始,到期末考试的最后一天结束. Meal services are not provided during university vacations and some holidays.

Food Served in the 餐厅 Hall: 在食堂供应的食物是在“你喜欢吃”的基础上提供的. 只有通过“绿盒子”外卖计划,才能将食物带出食堂. 违反此政策将导致25美元的罚款和/或失去用餐特权.

食堂行为: 学生在食堂的行为举止应有利于大家安静地享受用餐时间. 配合规定的程序,如自己洗餐具.

餐厅财产: Removal of dining hall property is prohibited. 违规者将受到罚款和/或转介到学生行为处理程序. At the retail locations, all food must be paid for before being consumed. 

服务的动物: Except for service animals, no animal is permitted in any food service, dining or preparation area, or any store that sells food. 服务性动物被单独训练为残疾人工作或执行任务. Emotional support animals (ESA) do not qualify as service animals. 在用餐区有服务性动物的学生要对他们的动物行为负责, including towards other people and facilities. 服务动物表现出攻击行为或对居住社区造成不应有负担的学生, will be asked to remove animals they cannot control.

袋子和容器: Unless there is an approved medical reason, 背包, 吊带包, 大钱包, 购物袋, 和未经批准的食品或饮料容器不得进入食堂.

卡丢失或被盗必须暂停或立即报告到餐厅ID办公室(603)862-1821. Only the balance of meals, 餐厅美元, 猫的缓存和客人通行证在卡被暂停的时候可以被保护. No temporary cards will be issued. It costs $25 to replace a lost, 偷来的, or damaged ID card; $15 to replace a lost, 偷来的 or damaged non-photo dining card. Until your ID card is replaced, you will not have access to your balance of 餐厅美元, 餐传递, 猫的缓存 or meal plans. Your University ID card is strictly nontransferable. 身份证持有人须对身份证的安全及正确使用负责,如未经授权使用身份证,可被罚款25元.

每学期第二个星期五之后的膳食计划退款,只有在管理部门批准或退学的情况下才能获得退款. 如果得到批准, 总理, 校园 and Core meal plans will be refunded; weeks and partial weeks attended will be charged at the weekly rate. Unused 餐厅 Dollar balances will be refunded.

If you are not using one of your Meals To Go and a Reusable To-Go Box, 除下列物品外,不允许带出食堂:

  • One piece of whole fruit or
  • 一块饼干或布朗尼

You may refill your beverage upon leaving the dining hall. It must be contained in a travel mug/reusable cup only that is 32 oz. 或更少.

All other water bottles, containers and anything over 32 oz. 是不可接受的. 



澳门葡京网赌游戏(UNH)酒店服务是澳门葡京网赌游戏校园内的食品服务提供商. 大学校园内食品车的注册和许可程序是由酒店和校园服务办公室管理的.

UNH提供了一个流程,允许食品卡车在大学校园内进行特殊活动和目的. 餐车可以分为两类:年度餐车和特定活动餐车. 


每年的食品卡车都会向学校支付全年在校园内预留空间的费用. 目前,有两辆年度食品卡车获准在大学校园经营, and this number is currently capped at two food trucks.

The registration process for 年度美食车 is as follows:

  • Vendor completes the Food Truck Vendor Permit – Annual
  • Vendor pays applicable fees per academic term (Fall, Spring, Summer)
  • Vendor provides current copies of:
    • State/Local Food Service License
    • Certificate of Insurance
      • 将UNH命名为附加保险和最低限额为1美元的一般责任保险政策,000,000
    • Fire Safety Inspection performed by Durham Fire Department
  • Once the permit is completed, 费用支付, and the above documentation is obtained by HCS, 许可证将送交联合国警察部门,由其签发年度许可证
  • Completed permit applications and documentation can be sent to: 乔纳森.moore1@bradyallen.net
  • Applicable fees can be mailed to:
    • UNH Hospitality and 校园服务
      75 Main Street, G11 Holloway Commons
Event Specific Food Trucks

特定活动的餐车在特定活动的基础上向大学注册. 在经过许可程序后,活动专用餐车被允许在校园内运营. These Event Specific Foods Trucks need to be sponsored by a UNH organization, and be part of a specific on-campus event. 这些活动特定食品卡车需要通过每个单独活动的许可程序. 食品车在校园内的每个活动都需要获得单独的活动许可证. 所有校园内的美食车摊贩必须遵守许可证申请表第二页所列的责任和活动限制.

The registration process for Event Specific Food Trucks is as follows:

  • Vendor completes the Outdoor Event Vendor Permit
    • 这需要填写每个单一事件的供应商打算在校园,需要有一个赞助UNH组织
  • Vendor pays applicable fee
  • Vendor provides current copies of:
    • State/Local Food Service License
    • Certificate of Insurance
      • 将UNH命名为附加保险和最低限额为1美元的一般责任保险政策,000,000
    • Fire Safety Inspection performed by Durham Fire Department
  • Once the permit is completed, 费用支付, and the above documentation is obtained by HCS, 许可证将被发送到联合国警察部门,以发放他们的活动许可证
  • In order for permits to be processed in a timely manner, 完成的许可证和文件应在活动前10天发送给联合国卫生保健中心. Completed permit applications and documentation can be sent to: 乔纳森.moore1@bradyallen.net
  • Applicable fees can be mailed to:
    • UNH Hospitality and 校园服务
      75 Main Street, G11 Holloway Commons