

The 澳门葡京网赌游戏 has partnered with RAVE Mobile Safety to provide the RAVE Guardian App.  This app is available to students, faculty, staff 和 visitors to our campus for 免费的 to provide a direct communication link to the 联合国警察部门.  From this app you can communicate with UNH Police Dispatchers 24 hours per day, 7 days per week via text message; it allows for discreet, anonymous reporting as well as the ability to share photos 和 precise locations.  Download the RAVE Guardian App today to be part of the solution to keep yourself 和 other safe!

我们还与 uSafeUS, a safety app that is not linked to the 联合国警察部门, but provides features that help in uncomfortable situations (fake call or text, discretely message bartenders or waitstaff to ask for help) as well as resources for helping yourself or friends with sexual violence, 暴力的关系 和 stalking as well as available services on 和 off campus.


  • 报告犯罪, suspicious activity or safety concerns directly to UNH Police Dispatchers; this can be done anonymously or with your pre-loaded information.  You can share photos 和 precise location to enhance emergency response.
  • Receive emergency alerts relevant to your location sent by 联合国警察部门
  • Set a virtual safety timer to be monitored by a friend or by UNH Police (if you choose) as an extra layer of safety.
  • Explore safety resources provided by UNH Police that may help you in a time of need including mental health resources, sexual assault resources 和 links to UNH emergency action plans.
  • 保持安全,保持联系! 

的特性 uSafeUS


Wildcat (RAVE) Guardian 和 uSafeUS are free mobile apps made available by the 联合国警察部门; they are easy 和 quick to use! 下载RAVE卫士和uSafeUS应用程序从 应用程序商店 或者是 玩店.  Both apps are free, easy to use 和 confidential (if you choose). 

Select “澳门葡京网赌游戏” as the School / Agency 和 fill out your user profile, 这是达勒姆号的, 曼彻斯特大学和法学院.

The apps are available as free downloads for all 是不是学生, faculty 和 staff. 除了, UNH parents may download RAVE Guardian to receive timely alerts 和 notifications or locate resources to help their students.  Parents may also download the uSafeUS app as well to locate resources.

是不是学生, faculty 和 staff are encouraged to use the RAVE Guardian app to communicate with UNH Police about any issues, 与校园安全有关的担忧或问题. The app may be used to inquire about policies 和 best practices for getting help for a friend, 报告破坏, 任何其他与行为和健康有关的问题.

提交的资料由联合国警察全天候监测. In case campus safety requires further information on any report, PD将跟进并与用户实时聊天.

联合国警务处可以很容易地对报告重新分类, so users don't need to worry if they mistakenly select the wrong category. If you are unsure which category the report falls into, select "Just Connect Me."

No. 同时鼓励用户提供图片, 发送报告时的音频或视频证据, 只有在环境安全的情况下,才建议他们这样做.  为了得到最好的回应, 一定要通过应用程序分享你的位置, you can still remain anonymous while still sharing the exact location.

Users will not be penalized for making claims that turn out to be untrue. 只要报道不是故意捏造的, 人们被鼓励与警方分享信息.

Users can send in tip reports using the anonymous feature if they are not comfortable with disclosing their identity. UNH PD will not be able to see who the report is coming from if this is activated.

No, when faced with an emergency situation, Guardian recommends 和 promotes dialing 911. The aim of the Guardian app is to provide a new channel to report non-emergency information 和 crimes to the 澳门葡京网赌游戏 警察局.

If in an emergency situation (on or off campus), Guardian has a 911 button.

For any emergency that is time-sensitive 和 poses risk to life 和 health, 应该随时拨打911. 否则, campus police can be called at 603-862-1427 for other non-emergencies 和 to provide general information 和 requests.

只要用户有能力拨打语音电话, 我们鼓励任何人在紧急情况下拨打911. If, 然而, a user is unable to make a direct call due to situational or technical issues, 或者它们必须是离散的, then users may “Message Police” 和 start a live two-way chat with UNH Police Dispatchers.

你会发现很清楚, 直接回答你澳门葡京网赌游戏性侵犯的问题, 暴力的关系, 在下面跟踪 有用的答案. Quick links to campus offices can quickly connect you with local 和 national support under 寻求帮助,你会发现一系列的解释 什么下一个? 事件发生后你的选择.

You can select a contact from your phone’s contact list to send you a fake call or customized text – on a timer, 或立即. 您选择的联系人将不会以任何方式收到通知. You can use the message as a quick 和 easy excuse to leave an uncomfortable situation, 或者帮助朋友.

Guardian respects the privacy of individuals 和 law enforcement agencies. Data will only be analyzed in aggregate form once individual information is scrubbed 和 anonymized. Evidence information belongs solely to the law enforcement agency for which it was designated.

的uSafeUS® application is a confidential resource committed to protecting your privacy. Our primary goal is to provide you with good service 和 resources to make campuses safer. 您可以在以下网址阅读我们完整的隐私政策 http://usafeus.org/privacy-policy/.