


(603) 862-3479

教师 Director of the Hamel Center for 本科研究; Professor, 分子学系, Cellular and Biomedical Sciences



布里吉特 Carroll Casellini holds a bachelor’s degree in horticulture from the 澳门葡京网赌游戏 and a graduate certificate in publishing and communications from Harvard University. She has worked for several magazine and book publishers in the greater Boston area and has been a senior editor of 调查 自2005年以来. She resides in Newburyport, Massachusetts, with her husband and three children.


Valerie Moyer holds a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Vermont and a doctorate in women’s, 性别, and sexuality studies from Stony Brook University. She has a variety of writing and editing experience for academic and online publications. 瓦莱丽成为了 调查 在2023年冬天. As a scholar of 性别 in sports, she enjoys running and a host of other outdoor activities. 


亚历克西斯弗莱明 is a sophomore psychology pre-med major with a minor in human development and family studies. 她出生在雅典, Georgia and lived there until she moved to Norton, 十岁时在马萨诸塞州. Alexis chose to attend UNH because of its constant sense of community, the beautiful locations within and outside campus, and the accessibility to countless opportunities. In addition to her student editor role here at 调查, she is involved on campus as a resident assistant in Handler Hall and a professional and career services peer ambassador. 亚历克西斯加入了 调查 team this past spring and was drawn to the role because of her love for reading and writing. Furthermore, she enjoys learning about new research topics students are passionate about. After she graduates in 2026 and potentially completes an accelerated master’s program at UNH, Alexis plans to advance her career at medical school where she intends to earn her doctorate degree and become a psychiatrist. She loves dogs (and owns seven!), 喜欢疯狂的音乐, 节俭, mental health and “Sunday resets”, where she can reset after a long week.  

的第二年会员 调查的编辑委员会, 卡西迪奥布莱恩 is a sophomore biology major from Bethlehem, New York. She is a member of the University Honors Program and became a student editor to gain firsthand knowledge of the research being conducted on campus as well as to gain editing experience. 研究 has played a large role in Cassidy’s experience at UNH: the strength of research opportunities was a driving factor in her choice to attend the school, along with the welcoming campus environment. She is currently conducting research as an undergraduate and then aims to pursue graduate studies. 学术之外, Cassidy is passionate about reproductive health and care, particularly the availability of sex education. 

莎拉·尼科尔斯, 埃克塞特, 新汉普郡, 是生物化学, molecular and cellular biology major with a writing minor, 2025年5月毕业. Sarah is a member of the University Honors Program as well as the Phi Sigma Biological Honor Society. She also works as a stage manager with the Mask and Dagger Dramatic Society and takes voice lessons through the music 部门. Sarah is currently a research assistant in Dr. Matthew MacManes’s genomics and physiology lab. She chose to attend the 澳门葡京网赌游戏 due to her interest in the research opportunities and joined the 调查 editorial board in the fall of 2023 after writing and publishing her own research article in the spring. Her interest in both research and writing, as well as her mom’s work as a professional editor, gives her an appreciation for the publishing process. 从UNH毕业后, Sarah plans to pursue graduate studies, likely a PhD in genetics or biochemistry. 在她的研究生工作之后, she hopes to join the research industry, focusing on human genetics from a biomedical perspective. She is fascinated by genetics and genes—so much of life is encoded in such tiny molecules and there is still so much about them that is unknown, waiting for the right person to crack the code.

Returning from a semester abroad in France, 安娜Scheifele 继续她对 调查 for what is now her third year. Her interest in editing as a future career has not only drawn her to be a part of the 调查 team but has also expanded her extracurriculars to editing for 新罕布什尔州这是一份学生办的报纸. Anna’s time at UNH has allowed her to immerse herself in the large Wildcat community which was one of her reasons for choosing UNH three years ago. 作为大四学生, double major in French and English, Anna is also a member of the University Honors Program and works at the UNH Dairy Bar. Anna hopes for a future in which she can travel (preferably back to France!), obtain her master’s degree in translation, 多学外语, and relax by the TV with her friends and a good cup of coffee.